الخميس، 15 أغسطس 2013

Obtain Egyptian citizenship for Palestinians

A lot of talk about getting the sons of fathers Palestinians Egyptologist Egyptian citizenship so I decided to research the topic and give you a summary of the research in this Next Ăáíßă Topic ::

 1. The Palestinian embassy has sent a series of letters to the Council of Ministers of Egypt on Egyptian citizenship to the Palestinians

2. Consultations are still going on between the parties on this subject

3. Speaks proportion not Pas few of Palestinians from obtaining Egyptian citizenship under a major requirement is very important and is the mother to be Egyptian nationality.

Important Note: Only Karim These data are currently available on this topic and you can be sure of this issue through Egyptian embassies messaging each according to his note that the legislation does not prevent duplication of Palestinian nationality.

Alec government Egyptian embassies site


And you are fine

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